6 CEO Introduction Speech Samples

Speaking at the podium to introduce a CEO can make anyone nervous. Finding the right words requires balancing professional and personal elements while keeping the audience engaged throughout the delivery. Presenting someone’s achievements and character needs careful thought and preparation.

A great introduction connects with the occasion, the audience, and the person being introduced. These sample speeches offer practical examples to help you create the perfect CEO introduction for your next corporate event.

CEO Introduction Speech Samples

Here are six expertly crafted CEO introduction speeches that work well for different business settings and occasions.

Speech 1: Welcome Speech for New CEO

“Good morning, everyone. A new chapter begins at Maxwell Technologies as we welcome Sarah Chen as our new Chief Executive Officer. Sarah brings twenty years of outstanding leadership experience from her time at Tesla and Apple, where she led groundbreaking innovation projects and transformed struggling divisions into market leaders.

But beyond her remarkable track record, Sarah stands out for her unique ability to bring people together. She started as an engineer on the factory floor and worked her way up, staying connected with what matters most – the people who make a company great. Her leadership doubled employee satisfaction scores, and she created award-winning mentorship programs that changed thousands of careers.

Sarah holds degrees in Engineering and Business Administration from MIT and Stanford. She serves on multiple tech industry boards and dedicates time to teaching underprivileged youth about careers in technology. Please join me in giving a warm welcome to Sarah Chen, our new CEO at Maxwell Technologies.”


Commentary: A balanced speech that highlights both professional achievements and personal qualities. Perfect for first-day introductions or company-wide announcements of new leadership.

Speech 2: CEO Guest Speaker Introduction

“Ladies and gentlemen, meet Michael Rodriguez, the CEO who changed a small family restaurant into the fastest-growing food delivery platform in North America.

Ten years ago, Michael saw how his parents struggled to keep their restaurant profitable. Rather than giving up, he built a solution. Starting with just three employees and twenty partner restaurants, he created FoodFirst, the app that now serves millions of customers across fifty cities. But Michael took a different path. He made sure restaurant owners kept 90% of their profits, setting a new standard for fairness in the industry.

Michael believes that success and social good belong together. His company provides free meals to homeless shelters and runs a scholarship program for children of restaurant workers. Through his leadership, FoodFirst became the first carbon-neutral delivery platform while maintaining profitability.

Please welcome Michael Rodriguez, a leader who proves that success tastes better when shared.”


Commentary: An engaging narrative that tells a story of innovation and social responsibility. Ideal for industry conferences or entrepreneurship events.

Speech 3: Award Ceremony Introduction

“Distinguished guests, we gather tonight to honor Lisa Thompson, CEO of GreenBuild Construction. Lisa represents the values the Sustainable Business Leadership Award celebrates.

Five years ago, she pushed past industry norms by announcing that every GreenBuild project would meet net-zero energy standards. Competitors said it couldn’t be done. Suppliers called it unrealistic. Now, GreenBuild leads the market in sustainable construction, with over 200 net-zero buildings completed.

Lisa’s goals reach beyond business. She started the Future Builders program, training former coal miners in renewable energy installation. Her fresh approach got the attention of three state governments, who now partner with GreenBuild to retrain workers for green energy jobs.

Through her guidance, GreenBuild cut construction waste by 80% and helped write new industry standards for sustainable building practices. The company’s apprenticeship program set new standards for gender equality in construction, with women making up 45% of new hires.

Tonight, we celebrate a leader who shows us that building a better future starts with breaking down old walls. Please welcome Lisa Thompson.”


Commentary: A powerful speech that connects personal achievement with broader impact. Well-suited for environmental awards or industry recognition events.

Speech 4: Retirement Ceremony Speech

“My fellow colleagues, we gather to bid farewell to David Park, our CEO of fifteen years. David joined us during tough times. Our stock price had hit bottom, employee morale was low, and our biggest clients were leaving.

David didn’t promise quick fixes. He promised honesty and hard work. He started by meeting every employee, from senior managers to maintenance staff. He learned their names, understood their challenges, and acted on their suggestions.

His leadership made us an industry leader in employee satisfaction. Our client retention rate rose to 95%. Revenue grew tenfold. But numbers tell just part of the story. David built a culture where everyone feels valued, where innovation thrives, and where we treat each other like family.

He started the company’s education fund, helping over 500 employees’ children attend college. He made flexible work hours standard policy before many others considered it. Most significantly, he taught us that true leadership means serving others.

David, you leave behind more than a successful company. You leave a legacy of compassion, integrity, and excellence that will guide us for years ahead.”


Commentary: A heartfelt tribute that balances professional accomplishments with personal impact. Perfect for retirement ceremonies or leadership transition events.

Speech 5: Annual Meeting Introduction

“Good morning, shareholders. Let me introduce Amanda Foster, CEO of NextGen Healthcare.

Amanda arrives at this podium after completing the largest healthcare technology merger in history. But that’s not what makes her remarkable. Her methods set her apart. While other companies cut staff during mergers, Amanda found ways to retrain employees for new roles. She turned potential layoffs into opportunities for growth.

Her leadership philosophy puts patients first. She regularly shadows doctors and nurses to understand their needs. This practical approach led to breakthrough innovations in patient care technology. Medicare now uses our systems as the standard for electronic health records.

Please welcome Amanda Foster, who will share our vision for the future of healthcare.”


Commentary: A concise yet powerful introduction that emphasizes leadership style and impact. Great for shareholder meetings or industry presentations.

Speech 6: Industry Conference Introduction

“Good evening, tech leaders. Rachel Wong stands out as a pioneer in an industry filled with innovators. As CEO of DataShield, she changed cybersecurity from a business expense into a competitive advantage.

Rachel noticed a gap in cloud security before others saw it coming. She led her team to develop quantum-resistant encryption that now protects 40% of Fortune 500 companies. But Rachel’s biggest achievement might be her approach to talent development.

She launched the CyberScholars initiative, providing free cybersecurity training to 10,000 students annually. Her mentorship program helped start 50 women-led tech startups. Through her leadership, DataShield maintains the highest percentage of women and minority engineers in the security sector.

Tonight’s keynote speaker proves that protecting data and empowering people go hand in hand. Please welcome Rachel Wong.”


Commentary: A focused introduction that connects technical expertise with social impact. Excellent for technology conferences or industry keynotes.


These speech samples show different approaches to introducing CEOs. Each one tells a story, highlights achievements, and connects with the audience while maintaining professionalism. Use elements from these examples to create your own engaging CEO introduction speech.