6 Farewell Speeches by Kindergarten Students

As the school year draws to a close, kindergarten classrooms buzz with excitement and a touch of nostalgia. Little ones, once shy and uncertain, now stand tall, ready to bid farewell to their first real academic adventure. It’s a moment that tugs at the heartstrings of parents, teachers, and the young graduates themselves.

These farewell speeches, delivered by our tiniest orators, capture the essence of their kindergarten journey. From funny anecdotes to heartfelt thank-yous, each word reflects the growth, friendships, and cherished memories forged in those formative years. Keep reading to discover how these pint-sized speakers express their big emotions and step confidently into their next chapter.

Farewell Speeches by Kindergarten Students

Prepare to smile, laugh, and maybe shed a tear as we present six touching farewell speeches from our kindergarten graduates.

1. The Short and Sweet Goodbye

“Hi everyone! I’m Lily. I loved kindergarten because I made lots of friends and learned to write my name. My favorite part was playing with blocks and reading stories. Thank you, Ms. Johnson, for being the best teacher ever. You always helped me when I was stuck and gave the best hugs. I’ll miss you and all my friends, but I’m excited for first grade. Bye-bye, kindergarten!”


Commentary: This speech captures the essence of a kindergarten experience in a concise and endearing manner. It’s perfect for a child who might feel a bit nervous about speaking in front of a large group or for a graduation ceremony with many speakers.

2. The Funny Memories Speech

“Hello! I’m Max, and boy, do I have some stories to tell you about kindergarten! Do you recall when Tommy brought his pet frog for show-and-tell, and it escaped? We spent the whole morning searching for it, and Ms. Parker found it in her coffee mug! Yuck!

Or how about the time we tried to make slime, and it turned into a giant, sticky mess? We had green goo in our hair for days! Don’t worry, mom and dad, I learned my lesson – no more slime-making at home!

But it wasn’t all chaos. We learned so much too! I can count to 100, write my full name, and even tie my shoes (most of the time). Thank you, Ms. Parker, for teaching us and laughing with us. To my friends, thanks for all the fun times. Let’s keep having adventures in first grade!”


Commentary: This speech uses humor to highlight memorable moments from the kindergarten year. It’s ideal for a more relaxed graduation ceremony or a class party where laughter is welcome.

3. The Grateful Heart Speech

“Good morning, everyone. My name is Sophie, and I want to talk about how thankful I am for my kindergarten year.

First, thank you to my amazing teacher, Mr. Rodriguez. You taught me so much more than ABCs and 123s. You showed me how to be kind, how to share, and how to believe in myself. When I was scared on the first day, you held my hand and told me everything would be okay. And you were right!

To my friends, thank you for playing with me, for sharing your snacks, and for making me laugh every day. I’ll always cherish our silly games at recess or how we worked together to build the biggest block tower ever.

Mom and Dad, thank you for reading to me every night and helping me practice my letters. Your support made me feel strong and brave.

To the lunch ladies, thank you for your yummy food and your warm smiles. And to our school principal, Mrs. Thompson, thank you for visiting our class and always remembering our names.

Kindergarten wasn’t always easy. Sometimes I missed home, or I couldn’t figure out a puzzle. But with everyone’s help, I learned that it’s okay to ask for help and to keep trying.

As I say goodbye to kindergarten, I’m taking with me so many happy memories, new skills, and wonderful friendships. I’m a little sad to leave, but I’m excited for what comes next. Thank you, kindergarten, for giving me such a great start!”


Commentary: This heartfelt speech focuses on gratitude, acknowledging various people who contributed to the kindergarten experience. It’s suitable for a more formal graduation ceremony or an event where parents and staff are present.

4. The “Look How Far We’ve Come” Speech

“Hi there! I’m Alex, and can you believe we’re done with kindergarten? It feels like yesterday when we walked into this classroom, not knowing how to read or write. Now look at us – we’re practically grown-ups!

Let’s think back to our first day. Can you recall how we couldn’t open our lunch boxes? Now we can open them, eat our food, AND clean up after ourselves. That’s what I call progress!

We’ve learned so much. We can count, we know our letters, and some of us can even read whole books by ourselves. High five, everyone!

But the best part? The friends we’ve made. From sharing crayons to playing freeze tag at recess, we’ve become a real team. And let’s not forget our awesome teacher, Ms. Lee. She taught us that it’s okay to make mistakes because that’s how we learn.

We’ve had some crazy times too. Like when the class hamster escaped, and we found him napping in the toy box. Or when we tried to have an indoor picnic on a rainy day, and someone spilled juice all over the carpet. Oops!

As we move on to first grade, let’s cherish all the fun we had and all the things we learned. We’re ready for new adventures, but we’ll always be kindergarten buddies. So, here’s to us, the awesome kindergarten class of Room 5. We did it!”


Commentary: This speech highlights the growth and achievements of the kindergarten year with a touch of humor. It’s great for a class celebration or a graduation ceremony where the focus is on the children’s progress.

5. The Poetic Farewell

“Kindergarten, oh kindergarten, what a year it’s been, Full of laughter, learning, and friendships to begin. From ABCs to 123s, we’ve come so far, Now we’re ready to reach for the stars.

Our classroom was a place of wonder, Where we learned and grew, no time to slumber. Finger painting and story time, Singing songs and making rhyme.

To our teacher, dear and kind, Your patience and love, one of a kind. You guided us with gentle care, Showing us how to love and share.

To our friends, both old and new, We’ve shared so much, me and you. From playground games to lunchtime chats, We’ve made memories that will always last.

Now it’s time to say goodbye, To spread our wings and learn to fly. But in our hearts, we’ll always keep, The joy of kindergarten, so sweet and deep.

So here’s to us, the class so bright, Ready to face the future with all our might. Kindergarten may be over, it’s true, But the adventure’s just beginning, for me and you!”


Commentary: This poetic speech captures the kindergarten experience in a lyrical way. It’s perfect for a child who enjoys performing or for a graduation ceremony looking for a unique and memorable presentation.

6. The Future-Focused Farewell

“Hello, everyone. I’m Emma, and today we’re saying goodbye to kindergarten. But you know what? I don’t think we should be sad. Instead, let’s talk about all the exciting things waiting for us!

During kindergarten, we learned how to be students. We figured out how to sit still (sometimes), raise our hands, and work together. These are super important skills that we’ll use for the rest of our school days.

We also learned how to be good friends. We shared our toys, helped each other when someone was sad, and played together at recess. Now we have these awesome friendships that can last for years and years.

Our amazing teacher, Mr. Brown, taught us that it’s okay to make mistakes. He showed us that trying our best is what really matters. This is something we can keep in mind no matter what grade we’re in or how old we get.

Now, we’re ready for first grade! We’ll have new teachers to meet, new friends to make, and so many new things to learn. Maybe we’ll join a sports team or learn to play an instrument. There are so many possibilities!

And guess what? All the things we loved about kindergarten – like story time, art projects, and playing games – those don’t have to stop. We can still do these things at home or in our free time.

So, as we say goodbye to kindergarten, let’s cherish all the fun we had and all the things we learned. But let’s also look forward to all the adventures waiting for us. We’re not just finishing kindergarten; we’re starting a whole new journey.

Thank you to our teachers, our parents, and each other for making this year so special. Kindergarten was great, but you know what? I think the best is yet to come. Let’s go show the world what we can do!”


Commentary: This forward-looking speech balances reflection on the past year with excitement for the future. It’s well-suited for a graduation ceremony or end-of-year celebration, especially one aiming to ease any anxieties about moving to the next grade.

Wrapping Up

These heartwarming speeches showcase the growth, learning, and joy that define the kindergarten experience. Each one, whether short and sweet or longer and more detailed, captures the essence of this pivotal year in a child’s life. They remind us that even the youngest students have valuable thoughts and feelings to share.

As you listen to or help prepare these farewell speeches, take a moment to appreciate the incredible journey these little ones have been on. From their first nervous steps into the classroom to their confident farewells, they’ve grown in ways both visible and invisible. These speeches aren’t just goodbyes; they’re celebrations of achievement, friendship, and the excitement of new beginnings.

So here’s to the kindergarten graduates, their dedicated teachers, and the supportive families who’ve been there every step of the way. May these speeches inspire and touch the hearts of all who hear them, marking the end of one chapter and the bright beginning of the next.