6 Farewell Speeches When Resigning

Saying goodbye to your colleagues and workplace can be an emotional experience. Whether you’ve been with the company for a few months or several years, crafting the right farewell speech can leave a lasting impression and help you depart on a positive note.

A well-crafted resignation speech allows you to express gratitude, highlight your achievements, and wish your soon-to-be former colleagues the best for their future endeavors. Want to learn how to create a memorable farewell address? Let’s explore six sample speeches that will inspire you to write your own perfect goodbye.

Farewell Speeches When Resigning

These sample speeches will give you ideas for your own farewell address, no matter your circumstances or the length of your speech.

1. The Short and Sweet Goodbye

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for gathering here today. As many of you know, I’ll be leaving my position at the end of this week. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for the incredible journey we’ve shared.

During my time here, I’ve had the privilege of working alongside some of the most talented and dedicated professionals in the industry. You’ve taught me so much, both professionally and personally. The memories we’ve created and the challenges we’ve overcome together will stay with me forever.

To my team, your unwavering support and collaborative spirit have been the driving force behind our successes. I’m confident that you’ll continue to achieve great things long after I’m gone.

To the leadership, thank you for your guidance and for providing me with opportunities to grow and develop my skills. Your trust in my abilities has been a constant source of motivation.

As I move on to the next chapter of my career, I leave with mixed emotions. I’m excited about new opportunities, but I’ll deeply miss the camaraderie and shared purpose that define this wonderful organization.

Please keep in touch. I wish you all the very best in your future endeavors. Thank you once again for everything.


Commentary: This speech strikes a balance between brevity and warmth. It’s suitable for a team meeting or a small gathering of close colleagues. The speaker expresses gratitude, acknowledges key contributions, and leaves on a positive note.

2. The Humorous Farewell

Hello everyone! As you’ve probably heard through the office grapevine (or perhaps from my not-so-subtle happy dance), today marks my last day at the company. Before I go, I wanted to share a few thoughts and maybe even a laugh or two.

First off, I’d like to thank HR for finally approving my request to work from a tropical beach. Oh wait, that’s not what’s happening? My mistake! In all seriousness, though, I am moving on to a new opportunity, and I wanted to take a moment to reflect on my time here.

To my amazing team, thank you for putting up with my terrible jokes and even worse coffee-making skills. You’ve been the best colleagues anyone could ask for, and I’ll miss our daily banter and impromptu brainstorming sessions.

To my boss, thanks for always having my back and for teaching me the art of diplomatically saying “no” to impossible deadlines. I promise to use this superpower responsibly in my future endeavors.

To the IT department, I apologize for all the times I swore it wasn’t me who spilled coffee on my keyboard. Your patience and wizardry in reviving my computer will never be forgotten.

To the cleaning staff, I’m sorry for the countless paper airplanes you’ve had to pick up. In my defense, they were crucial for team-building exercises… or so I claimed.

On a more serious note, I’m truly grateful for the opportunities I’ve had here. The projects we’ve tackled, the challenges we’ve overcome, and the friendships we’ve forged have shaped me both professionally and personally.

As I embark on this new adventure, I’ll carry with me the lessons learned, the skills honed, and the memories created within these walls. And who knows? Maybe one day I’ll come back as a consultant and charge you triple for the privilege of my company.

Thank you all for making my time here unforgettable. Keep in touch, and don’t forget to water my plant!


Commentary: This lighthearted speech uses humor to create a warm and memorable farewell. It’s ideal for a close-knit team or a company with a relaxed culture. The speaker balances jokes with sincere appreciation, leaving colleagues with fond memories.

3. The Grateful Professional

Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for taking the time to be here today. As many of you know, I’ll be leaving the company at the end of this week, and I wanted to take this opportunity to share some parting thoughts.

First and foremost, I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Over the years, this company has become more than just a workplace; it’s been a second home, and you’ve all been like family.

When I first joined the team, I was filled with excitement and a touch of nervousness. Looking back, I’m amazed at how much I’ve grown, both personally and professionally. This growth wouldn’t have been possible without the support, guidance, and encouragement from all of you.

To my immediate team, your dedication and hard work have been truly inspiring. Together, we’ve weathered storms, celebrated victories, and pushed boundaries. The projects we’ve completed and the milestones we’ve achieved are testaments to our collective effort and creativity.

To the leadership, thank you for your trust and for providing an environment that fosters innovation and personal development. Your open-door policy and willingness to listen to new ideas have made this a truly special place to work.

To my mentors, both formal and informal, your wisdom and advice have been invaluable. You’ve helped shape my career trajectory and instilled in me a passion for continuous learning and improvement.

To the newer members of the team, while our time together has been shorter, your fresh perspectives and enthusiasm have been a breath of fresh air. I have no doubt that you’ll continue to drive this company forward with your ideas and energy.

As I prepare to take on new challenges, I leave with a heart full of gratitude and a mind filled with cherished memories. The skills I’ve developed, the friendships I’ve formed, and the experiences I’ve gained here will stay with me throughout my career.

I’m excited about the future, but I’ll always look back on my time here with fondness. This isn’t goodbye, but rather “see you later.” I hope our paths cross again, and I look forward to hearing about all the amazing things you’ll undoubtedly achieve.

Thank you once again for your support, your friendship, and for making my time here truly unforgettable. I wish you all the very best in your future endeavors.


Commentary: This speech conveys deep appreciation and professionalism. It’s appropriate for a formal company-wide gathering or a departing executive address. The speaker acknowledges various groups within the organization, highlights personal growth, and leaves on an optimistic note.

4. The Inspirational Send-off

Good morning, everyone. As we gather here today, I’m filled with a mix of emotions. After [X] years with this incredible organization, the time has come for me to embark on a new chapter in my career. Before I go, I’d like to share some thoughts with you all.

When I first walked through these doors, I couldn’t have imagined the journey that lay ahead. Like many of you, I came here with dreams, ambitions, and a desire to make a difference. Looking back, I can say with confidence that those aspirations were not only met but exceeded beyond my wildest expectations.

This company has been more than just a workplace; it’s been a crucible for personal and professional growth. Together, we’ve faced challenges that seemed insurmountable, celebrated victories that felt like dreams come true, and most importantly, we’ve grown not just as individuals, but as a cohesive unit.

To my team, your dedication, creativity, and resilience have been nothing short of extraordinary. We’ve burned the midnight oil together, laughed through stressful deadlines, and supported each other through thick and thin. The bonds we’ve formed transcend the workplace, and I’m grateful to call many of you not just colleagues, but friends.

To the leadership, your vision and commitment to fostering a culture of innovation and inclusivity have set a gold standard in our industry. You’ve shown that success and empathy can go hand in hand, and that true leadership is about elevating others.

To those just starting their journey here, embrace every opportunity that comes your way. This company is a treasure trove of knowledge, experience, and potential. Be curious, be bold, and never stop learning. The skills and relationships you build here will serve you well throughout your career.

As I prepare to leave, I’m reminded of a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Each one of you has immense potential waiting to be tapped. The challenges of tomorrow are opportunities in disguise, waiting for your unique talents to transform them into stepping stones for success.

While my time here is coming to an end, the impact of this experience will stay with me forever. I leave not with sadness, but with immense gratitude and excitement for what the future holds – both for me and for this outstanding organization.

Success is not just about individual achievement; it’s about lifting others as you climb. Continue to support one another, challenge the status quo, and never lose sight of the incredible impact your work has on the world.

Thank you for your trust, your companionship, and for being part of my journey. I have no doubt that the best is yet to come for this company and for each of you. Keep pushing boundaries, keep dreaming big, and keep making a difference.

Goodbye for now, but not farewell. Our paths may diverge, but I’m confident they’ll cross again. Until then, I wish you all the very best. Thank you.


Commentary: This speech combines personal reflection with motivational elements. It’s well-suited for a leader addressing a large team or department. The speaker shares lessons learned, encourages continued growth, and leaves the audience feeling inspired about the future.

5. The Team Player’s Adieu

Hey there, team! Well, the day has finally come. After [X] years of shared deadlines, project sprints, and way too much coffee, it’s time for me to say goodbye.

First off, can we just take a moment to appreciate how awesome this team is? Seriously, working with all of you has been the highlight of my career so far. We’ve been through some crazy times together, haven’t we? That project we thought would never end? Or the time we accidentally set off the fire alarm with our victory dance? Good times.

To our fearless leader, [Manager’s Name], thank you for your guidance and for always having our backs. You’ve shown me what great leadership looks like, and I promise to pay it forward in my future roles.

[Colleague 1], your attention to detail has saved our behinds more times than I can count. [Colleague 2], your creativity never ceases to amaze me – keep pushing those boundaries! [Colleague 3], thanks for always being the voice of reason when things got chaotic. And [Colleague 4], your jokes might be terrible, but they’ve kept us sane during those long nights at the office.

To the newbies on the team, you’re in for an incredible ride. Soak up all the knowledge you can from this bunch – they’re the best in the business. And don’t forget to add your own flavor to the team culture. Trust me, they can handle it (mostly).

As I move on to my next adventure, I’m taking so much with me. The skills I’ve learned, the friendships I’ve made, and enough inside jokes to last a lifetime. But more than anything, I’m taking the spirit of this team – the resilience, the creativity, and the unwavering support for one another.

Keep pushing the envelope, guys. Keep challenging each other and lifting each other up. And for goodness’ sake, someone please figure out how to fix the coffee machine once and for all!

I might be leaving the company, but I’m not leaving this incredible network we’ve built. Let’s stay in touch, yeah? Who knows, maybe we’ll work together again someday. Until then, keep being awesome, keep making magic happen, and try not to miss me too much (or at least pretend for my ego’s sake).

Thank you all for making this chapter of my life so memorable. It’s been an absolute blast. Now, who’s up for one last team lunch? I hear [favorite lunch spot] calling our names!


Commentary: This speech captures the essence of camaraderie within a close-knit team. It’s perfect for a small group setting or a casual team gathering. The speaker uses humor and personal anecdotes to create a warm, lighthearted farewell while expressing genuine appreciation for team members.

6. The Executive’s Farewell Address

Distinguished colleagues, esteemed board members, and valued team members, good afternoon. Today, as I stand before you to announce my departure from [Company Name], I am overwhelmed with a profound sense of gratitude and pride for what we have accomplished together.

When I first took on the role of [Position] at this company [X] years ago, we faced significant challenges. The market was uncertain, competition was fierce, and we had ambitious goals to meet. But what I found here was a team of extraordinary individuals, united by a shared vision and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

Together, we have navigated through turbulent waters and emerged stronger. We’ve expanded our market presence, launched groundbreaking products, and most importantly, we’ve built a culture that values innovation, integrity, and inclusivity. These achievements are not mine alone – they belong to each and every one of you who have poured your hearts and minds into making [Company Name] the industry leader it is today.

To our dedicated employees – you are the lifeblood of this organization. Your passion, creativity, and resilience have been the driving force behind our success. I’ve watched many of you grow from new hires to seasoned professionals, and it has been one of the greatest joys of my career. Continue to push boundaries, challenge assumptions, and support one another. Your collective potential is limitless.

To the leadership team – thank you for your partnership and your trust. We’ve made tough decisions together, celebrated victories, and learned from our setbacks. Your strategic insight and unwavering support have been instrumental in steering this company towards success. I have no doubt that under your continued guidance, [Company Name] will reach even greater heights.

To our board members – your vision and governance have provided the foundation upon which we’ve built our achievements. Thank you for your confidence in me and in the direction we’ve taken the company. Your wisdom has been invaluable, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to have worked alongside such distinguished professionals.

To our customers and partners – your trust in our products and services has been the cornerstone of our growth. Thank you for choosing us, for challenging us to be better, and for being part of our journey. Your success is our success, and I’m confident that [Company Name] will continue to serve you with the same dedication and excellence you’ve come to expect.

As I prepare to step down, I do so with the utmost confidence in the future of [Company Name]. The strategies we’ve put in place, the talent we’ve nurtured, and the culture we’ve built are the seeds from which continued success will grow. I have every faith that my successor, along with this exceptional team, will lead the company to new heights.

Leaving is never easy, especially when it means saying goodbye to a place and people that have been such an integral part of my life. But as one chapter closes, another begins, and I’m excited to see what the future holds – both for me and for [Company Name].

I leave you with this final thought: In business, as in life, our greatest achievements are rarely solo endeavors. They are the result of collaboration, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to a greater purpose. Continue to embody these values, and there will be no limit to what you can achieve.

Thank you for your hard work, your support, and for the privilege of leading this incredible organization. It has been the honor of my professional life. I wish you all the very best for the future.


Commentary: This comprehensive speech is tailored for a high-level executive addressing the entire company. It reflects on past challenges and achievements, acknowledges various stakeholders, and sets a tone of confidence for the company’s future. The speaker balances professionalism with personal touches, making it suitable for a formal company-wide event.

Wrapping Up

As you’ve seen from these sample speeches, a great farewell address can take many forms. The key is to be authentic, express genuine gratitude, and leave your colleagues with a positive lasting impression.

When crafting your own resignation speech, consider your audience, the company culture, and your personal style. Whether you opt for a brief, heartfelt goodbye or a longer reflection on your time with the company, make sure your words come from the heart.

This is your chance to close this chapter of your professional life on a high note. Use it as an opportunity to strengthen relationships, express appreciation, and pave the way for future connections. With the right words, you can ensure that your departure is remembered not as an ending, but as the beginning of a new phase in your career journey.