6 Sample Farewell Speeches by Nursery Pupils

Saying goodbye is tough, especially for little ones leaving their nursery school. It’s a bittersweet moment filled with mixed emotions – excitement for new adventures and sadness for leaving familiar faces behind. As these young children take their first steps towards a new chapter in their lives, their words can touch hearts and bring tears to eyes.

Be prepared to be moved by the innocent yet profound thoughts of nursery pupils as they bid farewell to their first school. These speeches capture the essence of their nursery experience and showcase the growth they’ve achieved. Continue reading to discover how these tiny tots express their gratitude, share their memories, and look forward to their future with hope and enthusiasm.

Sample Farewell Speeches by Nursery Pupils

Here are six sample farewell speeches that nursery pupils might give as they prepare to leave their beloved school:

1. A Simple Thank You

“Dear teachers and friends,

Thank you for being so nice to me. I learned many things here. I can now count to 20 and write my name. I made lots of friends and had fun playing with toys. I will miss you all when I go to big school. But I’m happy because I’m growing up. Thank you for everything.

Goodbye, everyone!”


Commentary: This short and sweet speech expresses gratitude and highlights key achievements. It’s perfect for a shy child or a quick farewell during a graduation ceremony.

2. Memories and Friends

“Hello everyone,

I’m sad to say goodbye, but I’m also excited for my new school. I want to talk about my favorite things from nursery.

I loved story time with Miss Emily. She always did funny voices for different characters. I’ll never forget the day we made paper airplanes and flew them in the playground. It was so much fun!

My best friend here is Tommy. We always played with the building blocks together. I hope we can still be friends even if we go to different schools.

I want to say thank you to all my teachers. You taught me how to share, be kind, and tie my shoelaces. These are important things I’ll always keep in mind.

To my classmates, I’ll miss our singing sessions and our pretend tea parties. Let’s promise to be good in our new schools and make our nursery teachers proud.

Goodbye, nursery school. I’ll always keep you in my heart.”


Commentary: This speech focuses on specific memories and people, showing appreciation for experiences and relationships formed in nursery. It’s suitable for a child who’s comfortable speaking and for a dedicated farewell event.

3. Growing Up and Moving On

“Good morning, everyone.

Today, we’re saying goodbye to our nursery. It feels strange because this has been our second home for so long. But it’s time for us to grow up and move to big school.

When I first came here, I was scared. I didn’t want my mom to leave me. Now, I don’t want to leave! That shows how much I’ve changed. I’ve learned to be brave, to make friends, and to love learning.

In nursery, we learned our ABCs and 123s. But we also learned how to be good friends, how to share, and how to be kind. These are lessons we’ll keep forever.

To our teachers: thank you for your patience. You helped us when we were sad, cleaned us up when we made messes, and celebrated with us when we did well. You’re the best!

To my friends: we’ve had so much fun together. Think about the time we all dressed up as superheroes? Or when we grew plants from seeds? Those were great days.

Now, we’re ready for our next big adventure. We might be going to different schools, but we’ll always have our nursery memories.

Let’s promise to always be curious, to be kind, and to use the things we learned here. And let’s come back to visit sometimes!

Goodbye, nursery. Thank you for everything.”


Commentary: This longer speech reflects on the journey from starting nursery to leaving it. It touches on personal growth, key lessons learned, and expresses gratitude to teachers and friends. This would be ideal for a confident speaker at a formal graduation ceremony.

4. A Poem of Farewell

“Nursery, oh nursery, our happy little place, Where we learned and played with smiles on each face. From finger painting to singing songs so bright, You’ve helped us grow and shine our light.

Teachers so kind, always there to guide, Helping us learn, always by our side. Friends we’ve made, memories to treasure, Our time with you has been such a pleasure.

Now it’s time to say goodbye, To spread our wings and start to fly. But we’ll keep in mind all you’ve done, As we head out to have more fun.

Thank you, nursery, for all you’ve given, In our hearts, you’ll always be living. We’re off to school, to learn and grow more, But we’ll never forget you, that’s for sure!”


Commentary: This rhythmic speech in poem form captures the essence of nursery life and the emotions of leaving. It’s perfect for a creative child or as a group recitation at a farewell event.

5. Looking Forward While Remembering

“Hi everyone,

Today is a big day. We’re saying goodbye to our nursery and getting ready for big school. I have so many feelings inside me – I’m excited, scared, and a little sad too.

I think back to my first day here. I was holding my teddy bear so tight because I was nervous. But our teachers made me feel safe. They showed me all the fun things we could do. Now, I can’t believe it’s time to leave.

In nursery, we learned so many things. We know our colors, shapes, and how to count. We can sing the alphabet song and write our names. But we also learned how to be good friends, how to share, and how to be kind. These are the most important lessons.

I want to say thank you to our amazing teachers. You always had a smile for us, even when we were noisy or messy. You taught us to believe in ourselves and to try new things. You’re the best teachers in the whole wide place!

To my friends, we’ve had so much fun together. Think about when we built that huge tower with blocks? Or when we pretended to be explorers in the playground? I’ll never forget those times.

Now, we’re going to big school. It’s a little scary, but I know we can do it. We’re prepared because of everything we learned here. Let’s promise to be brave, to keep learning, and to make our nursery teachers proud.

Goodbye, nursery. Thank you for giving us such a good start. We’ll always keep you in our memories.”


Commentary: This speech balances nostalgia with anticipation, acknowledging fears about the future while expressing confidence gained from nursery experiences. It’s appropriate for a thoughtful child speaking at a farewell assembly.

6. A Letter to Nursery

“Dear Nursery,

You might not be able to read this letter, because you’re a building, not a person. But I wanted to write to you anyway, to say thank you and goodbye.

Thank you for your bright, colorful walls that made me happy every day. Thank you for your soft carpet where we sat for story time. Thank you for your playground where we had so many adventures.

Inside you, I learned so many things. I can now count to 100, write my name, and even say some words in French. But the best things I learned were how to be a good friend, how to share, and how to be kind.

Thank you for keeping me safe when I was away from home. You always had a cozy corner where I could rest if I felt tired or sad.

I will miss the smell of paint and play-doh, the sound of our morning songs, and the taste of the yummy snacks we had.

Most of all, I’ll miss the people inside you – my teachers and my friends. They made every day special.

I’m going to big school now, but I’ll never forget you, Nursery. You were my first school and you’ll always have a special place in my heart.

Goodbye, and thank you for everything.

Love, [Child’s Name]”


Commentary: This unique speech, framed as a letter to the nursery itself, allows for a personal and touching farewell. It’s ideal for a creative child or as a different approach to a farewell speech at a graduation event.

Finishing Up

As these sample speeches show, even the youngest children can express deep emotions and gratitude when saying farewell to their nursery school. Each speech reflects the innocence, joy, and growth that characterize the nursery school experience.

These farewell speeches serve as beautiful mementos of a significant milestone in a child’s life. They capture the essence of early childhood education – not just the academic basics, but also the social skills, friendships, and self-confidence gained during these formative years.

For parents, teachers, and the children themselves, these speeches provide a touching reminder of the journey from tentative toddler to confident ‘big school’ student. They celebrate achievements, express gratitude, and look forward to new adventures with a mix of excitement and nostalgia that’s sure to bring a tear to many eyes.

As these little ones move on to their next educational chapter, their words remind us of the lasting impact of early childhood education and the special place nursery schools hold in shaping young lives.